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Sunday 28 April Phil Stedman

Showing the Way: Pt 5 - Loving Jesus

Phil shares from John 14:15-27 ways that Jesus shows us how to live: by growing our love for Him, so that we obey out of delight not duty, and by allowing the Holy Spirit to be an active advocate for us.


Life Group Questions

Sunday 28 April

Showing the Way: Pt 5 - Loving Jesus & Letting the Holy Spirit Advocate

Read John 14:15-31

Read it out again, in a different translation.

Across this passage, Jesus repeats, and develops, the relationship between love and obedience.

Take a closer look at the following verses:




  • How do each of these passages differ from one another?
  • What is promised to those who love and obey God?

Jesus also makes several comments in this passage about “the world.” In John’s gospel, “the world” generally refers to human societies and systems are opposed to God.

Work through the passage slowly, and take note of the references there to “the world.”

  • What is Jesus saying about the world?
  • What does he promise to those who put their faith in him?
  • What do you sense God might be saying to you as you study this passage?
  • How can we pray for you in response to that sense?